Festival Latino of the Berkshires awarded for service to the immigrant community!
Past April 23, 2023, in the Hevreh of South Berkshires in Great Barrington was celebrated the “Berkshire Recognition Awards Ceremony”. The Festival Latino of the Berkshires and our Founder and President, Liliana Ortiz-Bermudez, were awarded for their service to the immigrant community.

Among the honorees were leaders and organizations that are supporting the Latino community throughout the years in the Berkshires. To select the honorees, the Recognition Ceremony Committee sent a survey to many members of the immigrant community. They chose 21 organizations and 49 leaders who have been working hard in different areas to support the immigrant community and make them feel welcome in this community as their new home.
“Thank you to Berkshire Recognition Awards Ceremony
The Festival Latino of the Berkshires thanks all the people who, since the beginning believe in the idea to promote and keep Latin Culture alive. Thanks to everyone who has volunteered their time, working very hard for uncountable hours over the years and supporting the Festival Latino throughout the journey. Together we will continuing to do the best for are Latino Community in the Berkshires.
Great things are still to come !” -Liliana Ortiz-Bermudez, Founder of Festival Latino of the Berkshires.
We are happy that the Latino community of the Berkshires recognizes the contribution that the Latino Festival of the Berkshires has made for over 28 years to keep the roots of our culture alive in Berkshire County.